

Now, let's introduce the basenji's family to you.



To the start with, we'd like to explain about basenjis.
Click the following link to see details.




Basenjiは、遠くアフリカに生まれ、古く7000年から5000年以上も昔のものと見られる、サハラ砂漠で見つかった岩に彫られた絵模様や、古代エジプトの墓碑、副葬品にその姿が見られる(photo-right/click to enlarge)ように、ヒトとの関わり合いの歴史が大変にふるく、また、地理的に交雑機会が乏しく、陸封状態にあったことから、発生当時の形質を今日まで保ち続けることができた、希少な犬種と云われています。Relick of Basenji

According to the zoologist, the breed is one of the most ancient dogs and seems to have lived together with human beings since 3000BC to 5000BC(approx.) in Africa.
The central part of Africa is believed to be the habitat of the breed.
As Basenjis have been domesticated in Africa since their occurence, they've been keeping their original properties to these days. Mummy of Basenji?
Archaeologically speaking, a large number of the relicks(photo-right/click to enlarge) of the breed have been excaveted and discovered from Egiptian graves and caves in the Sahara.


According to some scientists, the ancestor of the breed may not be wolvs but jackals, because of the morphological properties of the breed.

古代エジプト神話に登場するアヌビスは、サーベル尾(垂れ尾)であることから、明らかにジャッカルか狼犬ですが、赤犬のセトは Basenjiだとされています。

You can also see the breed in the ancient Egiptian myth as Seth.

エジプトで発掘され、現在大英博物館に展示保存されている、2000年以上昔につくられたとされる動物のミイラ(photo-left/click to enlarge)を見たときには、直感的にBasenjiだと確信しました。

At the time once we saw the mummy of animal(photo-left/click to enlarge), an exhibit of the British Museum, we're sure that's really Basenji !!

この章の内容に関しては、下記のweb siteもご参照ください。
Visit the following sites for more information on this matter.

The Basenji in Ancient Egyptian Art の web site へ
AKETI Basenjis の web site へ
Chiya Basenjis の web site へ
大英博物館(The British Museum)の web site へ




This article is based on our practical experience of the 10 years life togather with the basenji's family.


Basenjis are apparently different from the other breeds in physical and mental capacities.

Verbal quarrel Basenjiが、たまに出す声はと云えば、ひとりで取り残されて寂しいときや、だれかが訪ねてきた気配を感じたときなどに、いわゆる鼻を鳴らす、”キューンキューン”と云う声と、不機嫌なときや威嚇するときに出す”ウーッ”と云う唸り声 、それから”ギャギャギャギャ”と云う喧嘩(photo)のときの声です。欧米の紹介文などでは、この”キューンキューン”と云う声を称して”ヨーデルのような鳴き声”と云うようですが、どんなもんでしょうか?

Basenjis are known as barkless dog.
The breed, certainly, dosen't bark but grouls and whines like the other breeds.
We've occasionaly heard the breed barks rarely like dogs, as a result of self-learned barking from neighbor dogs.
As you can see, the breed's not dumb.


Silence in the daily life with the breed is the most different fact from ordinary lives with the other breeds.


Barking is the most important way for dogs to express their feelings.
Therefore, the lack of barking feature makes the breed more expressive than the other breeds.
Basenjis've acquired various other ways to express their emotion without relying upon barking.
The fine movements of the cocked ears, the tight curled tail and the saucer eyes, body wiggling, pressing the body and/or the waist against their owner, and the expressiveness of the wrinkled face are their uniqueness.
Barkless, one of the most recognized characteristics of the breed, makes the basenji-owner relationship much more close, deep and conc..

また、その身に備えた抜群の臭覚と狩猟本能ゆえに、Basenjiは、特に屋外では興味があるものを感知すると、目標にむかってまっしぐらに突進します。そのうえこわいもの知らず ですから、ほかのものは(道路や車はもちろん、オーナーも)まったく眼中になくなります。

Basenjis are quite reckless and they also have excellent sence of smell, vision and hearing.
Once they catch anything attractive, they'd dush for the object.
When they found such attracion, they've no ears to hear their master's voice, nor have any eyes to look arround.
Therefore, the owner should put a lead coad on the breed to walk or loose the breed in the fenced field.
Please don't let your breed loose in the open air to evade running away and/or ran over by a car !


Fur of the breed is short, silky and velvet-like.
Basenjis like hot and sunny condition.
The breed looks for the sunny place and lies down even in the hot midsummer weather.
On the contrary, basenjis're very sensitive to the cold, because of their thin coat and their origin of Africa.
If they left cold, the breed suffers from diarrhea in a short moment.
Therefore, the owner had better keep the breed warm and have the breed put on appropriate clothes under cool condition.


Basenjis've almost free of doggy-smell.

Running shape like trot 最後に、Basenjiの体型をひとことで云えばシャープでスマート、さしずめサラブレッドのミニチュア版と云ったところでしょうか。草原を、首をすっとのばして颯爽と走っているところは、馬のトロットと云った風情(photo/left)です。

今、欧米各国のケンネルクラブが提唱しているBasenji Standardに対して、古代エジプトの記録から、獲物との大きさの対比で見ると(photo-center/click to enlarge)、Basenjiの原体型はかなり大きかったようです。

Relick of Basenji

顔つきはと云えば、目が前向きについた子鹿と云ったところでしょうか。4,5ヶ月齢では”小鹿のバンビ”そのもの(photo/right)です。Looks like fawns

The shape of the breed is decent like Throughbred.
Running appearance of the breed reminds us the trotting of miniature horse.(photo/left)
The looking of puppy of the breed is alike fawns.(photo/right)

Basenjの形態的特徴については、下記のweb siteをご参照ください。
Visit the following sites for more information on this matter.

The Basenji in Ancient Egyptian Art の web site へ
The Continental Kennnel Club の web site へ
The American Kennnel Club の web site へ



Basenjiは、ヒトとの関係のなかではとてもユニークな性格を持っていて、遊び好きのいたずらもので、意地っ張りの頑固者で、寂しがりやでひとなつこい、でもあくまでもown pace,own wayと云う、本当に微笑ましくも、愛すべき性格の持ち主です。


The breed's apparently different from other breeds.
Speaking in one phrase on the disposition, the breed seems to be extremely intelligent, friendly, playful, funny and mischievous.
On the other hand, the breed seems to be much disobedient than the other breeds and they perform in their own way and own pace like cats in general.
However, in spite of disobediency, basenjis also seem to be easily jerous and lonely-hearted.
Basenjis're quite interesting, indeed !!

また、Basenjiは、他の犬に増して独占欲が強く、仲間内の序列をはっきりさせる傾向が強い ようです。

The packing order of basenjis seems to be more strict than the others.
For example, they take turns in eating, starting with Ji-ji to end with Co-co, as their dining order.
If Co-co makes mistake of taking her appropriate turn at the meal time, she's scold strictly at once by Ji-ji.
Their desire to possess their owner's exclusive affection also seems to be very intense.


Basenjis are careful about their personal appearance.
After dining, basenjis always wipe their mouths with something around them such as blanket or the carpet.
The way they roll around on the floor to wipe their mouths does not look so careful about their personal appearance, though.

このような時は、Basenjiの父娘の例に習って、しっかりと 叱っておきます。

Basenjis don't seem to be subordinate.
If the breed can no longer put up with your domination, the breed must be disobedient.
The owner is not a dominater but a pack-leader for the breed if he's firm.


この章の内容に関しては、下記のweb siteもご参照ください。
Visit the following sites for more information on this matter.

Chiya Basenjis のweb site へ
Premier Basenji の homepage へ




As we mentioned earlier, basenjis're very sensitive to the cold, because of their morphological and physical features.
Under cool condition, the breed suffers from diarrhea in a short moment.
Therefore, the owner had better keep the breed warm and have the breed put on appropriate clothes under cool condition.

Basenjiは皮膚が弱いため、皮膚疾患に罹りやすく、擦過傷も受けやすいので、特に冬は、シャンプー を控えめにして、オイルや尿素グリセリン液を塗って、皮膚の乾燥を防いでやりましょう。また普段は、首輪・ネックレス類も外しておきましょう。

Basenjis've delicate skin.
The breed's easily to get dermal disease and also get a scratch.
Internal secretion abnormality and lack of calcium in female basenjis also seem to appear as dermal abnormality sometimes.
The owner of basenjis always needs to keep their skin clean.
Monthly shower bath and weekly brushing is recomended for keeping their skin clean.
After shower bath or brushing, the owner should treat their skin with skin-oil or glycerin-urea solution.

これは、ヒトのFanconi syndromeと云う病気によく似た症状で、初期の病徴は多尿と煩渇多飲だそうです。


The veterinarian saying, there're some peculiar diseases to basenjis, such as Fanconi Syndrom like disease for human and Progressive Retinal Atrophy.
The former's a genetic disease on their kidney and the later's a infective disease on the retina.
As both diseases show the sympton late after fall ill, the owner should take them to the veterinarian hospital and get a check-up on these diseases of the breed at regular interval.


Basenjis like row vegetables such as lettuce, rapes, pear, some kind of melon and others.
These seem to be good for their health.

Basenji は、肛門嚢に分泌液が貯留しやすい傾向があります。

Inflamation of the anal sacs is apt to be caused.
The owner should squeeze out the accumulated secretion and make the anal of the breed clean, when the scooting behavior is observed on the breed.

この章の内容に関しては、下記のweb siteもご参照ください。
Visit the following sites for more information on this matter.

Basenj Club of America の web site へ
University of Prince Edward Island の web site へ
