Basenjiの遊園地(MESSAGE BOARD)
Basenjiの遊園地にようこそ! Thank you for joining us.
Here's the playground for basenji lovers and relatives of Fudakuan.

*0005  ステフィー    [11/12/13(月)-16:55]      

I am sorry to hear breeding of Dido didn't take.
You must miss playing with basenji puppies.
Chili's breeder have another litter of basenji today.
She has 6 red/white puppies. I can't wait to play with

I must go back to study now. Thanks for your warm
wishes. Please take good care of yourself also.
Dress warm and take good care of your baesnjis.
Pleaes pass kisses and hugs for your 4 legged kids
for me. Thanks!



*0004  ステフィー [海外]   [11/12/12()-17:36]      
可愛いバセンジーの子犬たちの写真 (another try)
Please enjoy! They were 2 weeks on from the pictures.
かわいいね! 不濁庵さん、 I hope you don't mind me
posting pictures here. ごめんね!

Please delete my last message with the bad links.

*0003  ステフィー(チリ・/font> [海外]   [11/12/12()-17:22]      
こんばんは!I like your new bilingual webpage.
It is much easier for me to understand the content
of your page. But with the help of my dictionaries
I could understand a little.

Please add your link in the Basenji webring as
Wata mama mentioned. So more people from different
part of the world can know about your HP!

Is Dido pregnant? When is her due day??
I just went to Chili's breeder's home last week.
She had 2 litters of basenji puppies. They are
very cute! I will try to post some puppy pictures
in here soon. I hope you don't mind.

Please take very good care of yourself and
will drop by soon. I am bust studying for me
exams right now. Wish me good luck!!



  *0003-01 Fudakuan    [11/12/13(月)-16:08]      
  Good evening, こんばんは Steffie !!

Thank you for your message attached heartwarm pictures.
You seem to have mastered the way to attach something on our BBS.

Speaking of Dido, we regret that the marriage between Dido and Baron have been not realize after all.

By the way, we've linked our site to The Basenji Webring today.
Thank you for your encouragement.

May you be good success in the exams !!

かぜをひかないように しっかりべんきょうしてください!

Handsome daddy Ji-ji, gentle mammy Ba-ba, cute daughter Co-co and Fudakuan.

*0002  和太ママ    [11/12/09(木)-15:50]      
これを機に、The Basenji Webringにも登録されませんか〜。

  *0002-01 Fudakuan    [11/12/10(金)-16:26]      
  ヤー いらっしゃい!
しばらくでしたが お元気ですか? ネコチャンはどうしました?

バイリンガルの先輩に褒められるとは テレちゃいますねー
まあ これで だれに(どこの国の人に)見られても なんとか中味が解ってもらえるでしょうからインターネットとしての最低の条件はみたしたかなーとおもっています。

お勧めのwebring も そのうちに検討してみましょう。


*0001  Fudakuan    [11/12/06(月)-14:47]      
当庵のサイトも 何とか年内を目指していたバイリンガル化にこぎつけました。
はじめは 英語圏の人々に理解してもらえるかどうか おぼつかない面もありましたが カナダの Midori さんや UN の Motoko さんにも手助けしてもらったので 何とか見られるようになりました。

皆さん ありがとう!!

Hello, everyone !

Somehow, we've made our site bilingual.
We hope you'll enjoy visiting us still more.
Let's know the proper expression when you find out the wrong expression.

We'd appreciate your cooperation.

Thanks a lot !

See you again !!