Statistics of the city
  1. City Area: 7,693ha
    1. Residential land: 517ha (7%)
    2. Agricultural land: 827ha (11%)
    3. Forest land: 5,270ha (68%)
    4. Other land: 1,079ha (14%)
  2. Climate
    1. Average Temperature: 16.2 degree C
    2. Highest Temperature: 36.2 degree C
    3. Lowest Temperature: -3.1 degree C
    4. Annual Rainfall: 1509.5 mm
  3. Population: 43,702 (April 1, 1995)
    1. Male: 21,886
    2. Female: 21,816
    3. Population Density: 568/square km
  4. Other Statistics
    1. Tourists: 1,530,905 (1994)
    2. Hospitals: 2
    3. Schools: Elementary/6, Junior High/4, Senior High/1
    4. Sister City: Tilburg, Netherland

City Office Data

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