note 1 | JMSDF surface fleet is known to use RGM-84A, RGM-84D, and SSM-1B. While SSM-1B is currently not sub-launched, it is reasonable to assume JMSDF subs operate the same type of Harpoons as the surface fleet. |
note 2 | This ESM sensor is used by mutilple platform(incl. non-JMSDF). So either create a duplicate record with the new name and update the submarine sensor entry or leave it as is to avoid overcrowding the DB. (Attached DB has separate entry) |
note 3 | SSM-1B is currently used on DD101 Murasame and PG-1 class only. But it is compatible with Harpoon FCS and should be operable on other vessels as well. |
note 4 | Values calcurated using H2_form1.xls (revision 1). Passive values are wild guess based on document acompanying H2_form1.xls. |
note 5 | Those listed in "Ships of the World" will be used for spelling of Japanese names, dimmensions, and other specifications unless otherwise noted. |
note 6 | Submerged displacement is used for DP calcuration and Displacement field. (see also note 5) |
note 7 | Yushio utilized the active portion only of the original AN/SQS-36. Thus data is that of AN/SQS-36 minus the passive portion. |
note 8 | Yushio class has been retrofitted with TASS. (type not announced but most likely ZQR-1A) |
note 9 | I have created this sonar as a rough average of DUUX2A and AN/BQG-5(WAA) |
note 10 | Auxilary ship w/ cargo hold -25% |
note 11 | As there seems to be no definite policy at all for Armor Rating, I
have rated all JMSDF surface combatant w/ non-aluminum superstructure and
displacement of 3000t or more w/ all around "L",
Hatsuyuki class is given "L" on sensors to balance with later ships of its class with all "L" armor. Kongo class is a modified DDG51 Arleigh Burke, so it is rated as par DDG51. |
note 12 | To avoid over crouding DB, this FCS radar can be substituted by FCS-2-12
If creating new radar, RIM-7H and RIM-7M director info must be updated. |
note 13 | AN/SQS-35 is actually an Active/Passive VDS. Since there is no such classification, I created an active portion and a passive portion from the original AN/SQS-35 and made them VDS. |
note 14 | Kongo class is a modified DDG 51 and is not built under "Civilian Construction Standards". |
note 15 | Either make "Abukuma" as "DE" or make "Ishikari", "Chikugo" and "Chikugo (VDS)" as "FF". |
note 16 | Do not load ASROC reload for those ship with TV/ASU status. (those space is converted as class room) |
note 17 | Empty mount/magazine for Mk15 Block 0 CIWS. DD 164 Takatsuki does not carry Mk15 Block 0 CIWS. |
note 18 | DD 118/VT 3511 Murakumo is different in that it has OTO Melera 76mm Compact instead of aft Mk33 Dual 76mm and VDS. For game purpose it is handled the same as other of the Minegumo class. |
note 19 | DD 168 Tachikaze modified as Flagship Self Defence Fleet, 1998.
Aft 127mm is removed. |
note 20 | DD 170 Sawakaze is the only ship in JMSDF, capable of firing RGM-84 from the Mk13 launcher. |
note 21 | This class was actually launched starting 1968. This is the year they traded DASH for ASROC and became the current form. |
note 22 | Amatsukaze was actually launched in 1965. 1978 is when it traded the original Tartar SAM system for the Standard SAM system. SRBOC and SATCOM was not introduced till 1982. |
note 23 | For all subs classified as ATSS, remove all torpedoe/missles from magazine. Torpedoe room is used as classroom. |
note 24 | E-2C can be classified in three different batchs based on its main sensor. Batch 0 with APS-125, batch 1 with APS-138 corresponding to "E-2T (Taiwan)" (ID117) and batch 2 with APS-145 "E-2C (USA)" (ID13). ESM should also be changed to ALR-59 for batch 0 but I do not have any info on this device. |
note 25 | No details are known about sensors used by F-2A. So the FCS radar (often called "Active Phased Array Radar") is derived from AN/APG-77, and ESM/ECM suite is taken from F-15J. Also what ever the radar to be used with F-2A must be added to the list director for AIM-7M. |
note 26 | |
note 27 | |